Kids with Heel Pain….


Severs disease otherwise known as Calcaneal Apophysitis is the most common cause of Heel Pain in children between the ages of 7 to 14 years old. Pain develops within the growth plate of the Heel bone/Calcaneous due to a traction/pulling and or compression force against the heel as our children move. As they begin to increase their activity and do more jumping, running and propulsive movements the Achilles tendon can have a pulling force against the growth plate. We can also see Severs heel pain in kids develop in through a compression force against the growth plate due to poor biomechanics.

Two tests you can do to check the Heel pain in more likely attributed to Severs are the “Squeeze test” and the “Heel walk test”. Both of these tests will cause the sore heel to have a pain response when conducted. Children can have Severs in one Heel or both.

Our Podiatrist Dr. Stacey Keating has developed a tool kit and program parents can use to fix children’s heel pain from home…. and it guarantees results. Have a look at her advice below.

Check out Dr Stacey’s (Podiatrist) Blog “My child is complaining of sore Heels”


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