Flat feet in children
FLAT FEET is the broad term used to describe a low arch profile. A Flat Foot appearance presents as either a flexible or rigid form. When Flat Feet are flexible your child’s arch will flatten out when weight bearing and lower to the floor. Remarkably, the arch will appear to have a normal contour in non-weight bearing. FLEXIBLE FLAT FEET respond well to strengthening programmes.
A RIGID FLAT FOOT will remain consistently flat looking with or without load.
The "TIP TOE" TEST is used to see if an arc in the arch area forms as a child with flat feet rises to their toes. If you can see an arch then your child has a flexible flat foot. If the foot remains flat without an arch this is a rigid flat foot. Rigid flat feet should always seek consultation with a Podiatrist as there may be boney fusions and its important to determine cause.
FLEXIBLE FLAT FEET can be strengthened and supported to assist your child comfort and stability during movement.
Dr. Stacey Keating (Podiatrist) chats about the different types of flat feet and what parents can do from home to support flat feet.